Trending Tuesday 4/7/20

Zoom meeting I am hosting: Master Your Morning Routine
Have you ever wanted to know exactly what I do in the morning to get fired up and ready to work with you each day?  This Thursday, April 9th at 4 pm I am hosting a practice wide Zoom call for anyone interested in transforming their life by creating or optimizing their morning routine.  In this 40 minute free online class, I will show you what I eat, how I move, and what I focus on.  I will also help you develop a priority list of the action steps you believe are the most important for your life.  All you need to do is create a free Zoom account and click here for our zoom link  at 4 pm on Thursday.  I can’t wait to give you a sneak peak into my weird life!

Book I am listening to:  Eat and Run by Scott Jurek
Currently, I am really into listening to inspiring stories of physical and mental accomplishment. Jurek, a 7x champion of the grueling Western States 100 mile ultra marathon is a plant based beast.  His training regiment, mindset towards pain and ability to endure is unbelievable.  Since I cannot swim right now due to the pools being closed, I have been running more and attempting to cultivate a similar approach.  If you are looking to stretch your thinking on what is possible for your life in any category pick up a copy of this one.

Health evaluation I am offering: Free Remote Posture Check with Me!
Have you not been able to come into the office lately, but been keeping up with your home traction device and postural exercises?  If so, would you like to have an objective check up of how effective your efforts have been so far?  I have just the tool for you! Please download the free Remote Screen app from the app store.  Next, have a family member take a front and side picture of you while standing and sitting and upload them into the app.  You can also take a video of a movement you commonly perform if you would like me to review it with you also!  I will mark up the pictures, email you the results and do a follow up call to discuss the details.  Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to receive real-time feedback on your progress.  Talk soon!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC


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