Trending Tuesday 3/17/20

Book I am reading:  The Story: The Bible as One Continuous Story of God and His People
Have you ever felt ashamed that you haven’t read the bible because you can’t figure out what the heck they are talking about?  I have.  I was recently recommended this version of the bible and am loving it!  By taking all of the old language out, and making a user friendly option, the authors of this book have made the stories easier to understand and therefore applicable.

Class I am taking: Masters Swim Class 
I threw myself in the deep end this past week, literally and figuratively.  I have never taken a swim class before, however with the sprint triathlon coming up in May (if they don’t cancel it) I figured it was time to get serious.  The class consisted of intervals of 100 meter and 50 meter swims with 30 and 15 second rests respectively in between.  Each swim was meant to get slightly faster, pushing me to increase my stroke speed at each turn.  Man this was tough!  That being said, I felt proud of myself for doing something that was new, that was scary and that was outside my comfort zone.  If you are looking to stretch yourself a bit this week, force your growth by placing yourself in a MUST situation!

Quote I am loving:  “The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.”  ~ Marcus Aurelius
By avoiding panic and instead making a plan, you will find peace in the midst of chaos.  Speak with your loved ones this week in regards to your plan for the coming months to get input, create clarity and provide comfort.  By quieting your own mind, you will help to quiet the mind of others and through this, we can all be better in handling this challenging time.

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC


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