Trending Tuesday 10/27/20

Book I am reading: Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute If you enjoy books that teach life lessons but use a story to illustrate the points rather than just telling you steps or bullet points, I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy of Leadership and Self-Deception.  Learning how we all distort reality to protect […]

Trending Tuesday 10/20/20

Podcast I am hearing: Brene Brown and Scott Sonenshein This week my wife recommended that I listen to the above podcast episode.  In it, Sonenshein introduces a concept called “stretchy vs chasey”.  To “stretch” is to move with courage and determination towards something that brings you true happiness and satisfaction.  Conversely, to “chase”  is to desire something based […]

Trending Tuesday 10/13/20

Question I am asking: “Would you be interested in watching a vlog style set of videos that show you exactly what I do for my daily physical and spiritual habits?” I am considering filming and editing this type of content for you and would love your opinion.  Please send me an email at and let me know […]

Trending Tuesday 10/6/20

Audio Book I am hearing: Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins Do you think your life is tough right now?  Think again.  In this truly inspiring biography Goggins, who grew up experiencing extreme prejudice, psychological torture from his father and bullying, talks about how to create the “can’t hurt me mentality.” Despite his childhood, he later went […]

Finding Steadiness

Finding Steadiness When the world is going crazy where do you find steadiness?  This was the question posed to me in “The Stoic Journal” by Ryan Holiday this past weekend.  Immediately, I felt that if I could answer this query, I would be better prepared for the current situation we face as a population.  At […]